Friday, April 24, 2009

Make a Commitment to You

Someone once said that timeshare salespeople are too scared to rob a bank, but too lazy to work...

In fact, it's just the opposite. We're not scared to step into that uncomfortable place and we work smart instead of hard, and that is hard work in itself.

No one said that selling timshare is easy. In fact, it's the most difficult easiest job there is.

When you’re on a roll and successfully selling, this is the best job in town. However, when you’re on a downward spiral and deals are slipping through your fingers, this is absolutely the worst job in the world.

The trick is to maintain balance, to never lost sight of your goals, and most importantly, not to take affront to the stream of “no’s” that are constantly coming your way.

Set your goals high and take one step at a time. Sometimes you don't think you're progressing until you take a moment, step back and see how far you've really come.

The best predictor of success is your degree of commitment to your goals. Whenever you set a goal, write out why you're committed to accomplishing it.

The "why" is far more important than the "how."

Commitment -- sheer passion and will power -- can help overcome any deficiency in time, money or education. Make sure each of your goals is worthy of the time and effort necessary to achieve it. Then, make sure each of your goals is getting the absolute, unconditional commitment it deserves.

Take a few minutes ... close your eyes... stop the chatter in your brain... and write down what you EXPECT to SEE happen:

"The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car... a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little."
~ Ben Sweetland

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to Retrain your Brain and Succeed in Business

Tenacitise Yourself!

What does that mean? Simply put, it means

Have tenacity, don't give up, and above all, enjoy yourself.

Take the time to plot your day and focus on what’s important.

Erase everything in your mind that will stop you from achieving your goal.

Note what is happening around you, observe and learn.

Act like you've made it, even if you haven’t.

Carefully listen and skillfully question.

Invest in yourself.

Train your mind.

You can do it!