Friday, May 8, 2009

Erase everything from your mind that will stop you from achieving your goal.

Leave home at home.

We are actors.   Our clients are our audience.  We need to hone our acting skills, mentally and physically, and leave our troubles and worries outside of our workplace.    Sounds easy, doesn’t it?  No?   You’re right.  It’s not easy, but it can be done.  Thousands of Hollywood actors do it every day.   They’re humans, too, living lives outside of their professions, experiencing joy and frustration, just like us.  The difference is when an actor steps onstage, he leaves his personal baggage backstage and steps positively into the limelight, totally in tune with the character he is playing at that moment.  So, too, should we leave our baggage outside and walk positively into our roles each morning as professionals, with a smile and a twinkling eye. 

 There is nothing more attractive than a person who seems happy and full of joy.

 Here are some ways to stay positive:

 ·        There is a lot of evidence to suggest that humans have the same type of "mirror neurons" found in monkeys. But it's what these neurons do that's amazing--they activate in the same way when you're watching someone else do something, as they do when you're doing it yourself!  Stay away from negative people and hang out with successful people who are positive and will activate your mirror neurons positively.

 ·        If you want to accomplish something that demands determination and endurance, try to surround yourself with people possessing these qualities.

 ·        When you are talking to someone who is depressed it may make you feel depressed, whereas if you talk to someone who is feeling self-confident and buoyant you’re more likely to feel good about yourself. This is called ‘emotional contagion’.  

·        Negativity spreads – stay away from it!

 ·        Did you know that happiness is associated most heavily with the left (i.e. logical) side of the brain, while anger is associated with the right (emotional, non-logical) side of the brain?   So happy people are able to think more logically than unhappy people.  Makes sense, doesn’t it?

 ·        We all have bad days. We have to learn how to climb out of that place and move forward.  It’s a matter of retraining your brain, a day at a time.  It will become easier to achieve the more you practice being positive.   Fake it till you make it!

 ·        Mentally stretch yourself every day.    Challenge yourself to perform better than you did yesterday, to react better than you did yesterday.   It’s the little things that you do consistently that will eventually link together and force out the unwanted thoughts, the negativity.  Try it, it works!

 ·        Encourage yourself when you feel you’re sliding back towards being negative, and congratulate yourself when you succeed.  Don’t criticize yourself when you fail – instead, motivate yourself to do better, pat yourself on the back every time you conquer your negativity.  There’s nothing more frustrating than always finding fault in what you’re doing- find the solution, do it, and then congratulate yourself.

 ·        You don’t have an option about this.   To be successful in sales, in life, you have to be positive.  Period.  End of story.

 ·        Celebrate all your positive efforts, and then vow to do better the next time.


“Is the glass half full, or half empty?
It depends on whether you're pouring, or drinking.”

Bill Cosby

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